Monday 9 November 2015

Like drinking poison, like eating glass...

alice in wonderland illustration in ballpoint pen by holly holt

A bit ago I went through a phase of drawing glass jars and bottles. No, I'm not strange, weird, off, nor crazy, my reality is just different from yours (thanks Lewis Carroll). This one was a request for an Alice in Wonderland inspired drawing and because that's another done to death theme, I really wanted to put my own stamp on it. So it got the Holly treatment and became Alice's "Drink Me" bottle, in biro as standard. If I was to go back and add to this I'd make the bottle look more like it had liquid in it but at the time, in my head, it was more of a whirlwind thing going on. I think I must have got my wires crossed between Alice in Wonderland and The Wizard of Oz. Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Also, because I didn't have a great deal of time, I had to keep it quite small so drawing the tiny objects and animals inside was pretty delicate work. For a bull in a china shop, that isn't easy. For me, it's even worse. 


ladybird said...

Amazing. Love the cork and the ribbon too. I want a house full of such beautiful objects .

Anonymous said...

Surely 'Hol in a china shop?' [Ed] I'll be searching the wine shelves for this one, I like a good label!