Wednesday 20 January 2016

I want you to notice when I'm not around...

acrylic ink nuthatch illustration by holly holt

It feels like such a long time since I've been here. A week is a long time in politics...I kind of lost all creative ability for a few days which was an almost physically painful experience. I'm starting to pull myself back together with some more acrylic ink experimentation, like a reverse Rorschach test: the ink tells me what it wants to look like by virtue of random colour mixing. I don't tend to have favourites amongst things that aren't immediately finite but if I had a ray gun to my head and had to choose a colour I'd possibly go for the blue-grey of Nuthatch wings. It's uplifting and melancholic at the same time. I like it best when it fills the sky and tells you "this day could go either way." 

1 comment:

ladybird said...

What a divine drawing, the energy and colour is mesmerising.