Friday, 25 March 2016

Wash out the sand but never the sound...

seashell pointilist drawing by holly holt

In a further attempt to get back into drawing again, I started dotting this. Did it work? It's too early to say. I like the idea but I'm not sure on the style. It wasn't going to be dots and it wasn't going to be sepia but as I've said before, this stuff draws me just as much as I draw it and the dots and colour kind of emulates the grainy texture of sand and sea shells. I'm convinced that things like that creep in on a subconscious level because I only realised this when the drawing was half finished. I should probably keep that to myself and let folk think I know what I'm doing...
I did, however, intend this to be a sequel to the whale ribs in a way; another lonely seascape with an ambiguous natural form. I'm trying to create a juxtaposition between the feeling of awe at the delicate beauty of nature and the sense of unease at such a thing becoming imposing, menacing even (and that is a very pretentious sentence but I can't describe it in working class, "grim up north" terms, sorry.) Or is it just a normal shell and the child who ran off and left her bucket behind really, really tiny? 

Sunday, 13 March 2016

It comes back but it's never the same...

ballpoint pen lighthouse illustration by holly holt

I've been having a really extreme bout of drawing block lately. I've got pictures in my head but I can't seem to send them down my arm and into a pen, the link appears to have been severed. There's a few different ways I usually respond to this depending on the level of meltdown. On this occasion, after starting and abandoning a couple of other things, I thought it best to just scribble it out, play with some textures and see what happened. So here we are...again.
As well as bones, extremes of light and dark have become a bit of a fascination of mine and trying to create illumination from a light source in ballpoint pen presents a nice way to scratch about in the shadows. I can't explain why my lightning bolts shine in different ways to each other and I can't explain why the sea is not as choppy as the weather suggests but it's nice to be back.